We are embarking on the scary, but exciting journey of turning this movement into an honest to goodness community with all of the bells and whistles. The goal isn’t to replace any of the amazing resources that exist out there, but to consolidate all of the various threads that are happening in the Malazan ecosystem of late.
Eventually, the goal is for this to become a directory of sorts: where to find good Malazan videos on YouTube, how to find Malazan artists, what is the latest Malazan news, what new interviews have Steven Erikson or Ian Cameron Esslemont done lately, what updates do we have on various forthcoming publications. Hopefully this site can become a clearing house for all of that information and more.

In addition, we are hoping to get the community in on the mix and to provide an outlet and platform for even more Malazan conversations. Don’t feel like becoming a Malaztuber, but still hoping to participate? We’re hoping this site will also be a venue for people to publish essays and blog posts, include forums or links to jumpstart/revive the existing Malazan Empire forums.
There’s a lot that we can do and hopefully this is all just the tip of the iceberg. Please be patient as we try to figure all of this out. If you want to get involved in the meantime, you can also get active in the Discord!